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Five Town Little League

Five Town Little League

It takes a lot of volunteers to run our league. From our Board to coaching, field maintenance and concessions, we are 100% volunteer-based. We truly rely on parents and our FTLL community to volunteer to make each season happen. 

If you are interested in volunteering this season, please use this link to sign up or email [email protected] with the position that you are interested in. Please note that per Little League rules, background checks and a brief online safety/abuse training are required for all volunteers for player safety.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Being a Team Manager or Coach (all divisions) - Being a manager or coach requires attendance at practices and games, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball or softball. You may be required to attend meetings or instructional sessions. You will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to inform them of any schedule changes, rainouts, events and activities.

Helping with Field Maintenance (all fields and divisions) - Help us maintain the fields that your child plays on. The fields need to be prepped before and raked after every game by volunteers, not coaches, as they are spending this important time with their teams. As a part of the field maintenance crew, your skills and abilities may be used to line fields, rake dirt, and execute minor repairs on fences, etc.

Concessions (at Marge Jones field in Rockport) - Help us sell concessions for each Major baseball and softball game at Marge Jones field in Rockport. This job involves standing behind the counter and filling orders, restocking the shelves as needed and grilling hamburgers and/or hotdogs.

Scoreboard (at Marge Jones field in Rockport) - Keep score on the electronic scoreboard at a Major baseball or softball game at Marge Jones field. Basic knowledge of the sport is needed, a 5 min training will take place before each game. Trust us - it is easy!

Being an Umpire (at Marge Jones field in Rockport) - Aside from calling balls or strikes, safe or out, umpires are responsible for teaching players good sportsmanship and the rules of the game at Major division games. Umpires are also called upon to interpret rules and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games.

Umpires are often determined minutes before the game begins. As you arrive at your child's game, your coach may ask you to umpire. When you agree, your main responsibilities are to call plays on the bases, determine if balls are fair or foul. Note some training ahead of the season may be required for this role if you volunteer.

Become a Board Member - FTLL is always looking for volunteers to join our Board to help plan and execute each season. Some of the specfiic positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Safety Officer, Player Agent, Information Officer, and Baseball and Softball Coordinators for each division. If you are interested in joining the FTLL Board, please email us at [email protected].

Required Little League Safety/Abuse Training Link - Please take the Abuse Awareness free online training for adults in the links sections below, and email a copy of your completed certificate to [email protected].

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